Tuesday, January 1, 2008

cry the beloved country

well, kenya has officially descended into one of those unbelievable states. in less than a week, kenya has been reduced from a model of stability for the continent, to just another ridiculous african nation, with horrible scenes and stories of violence, which can only be obtained from independent bloggers, as the goverrnment has shut down the nations' live media. how soon before isp's begin to go down? this is seriously terrifying. i don't know what raila is thinking asking for his 'million man march' in nairobi, but i can only imagine half those guys showing up with machetes, kerosene, rocks and tires. these guys need to reconcile this thing really quickly before more than the estimated 200 dead, are lost.


Unknown said...

right on with that title baatin. Well did you see the headlines for all the major newspapers online- Thursday's papers?
There are some pretty graphic pictures on CNN that just shocking.
I guess they did intend to use those machetes after all. BTW there had been a case(at least my bro was telling me) that a guy had been arrested for having a truck load of pangas. OK don't think this was sort of preplanned. Well I am surely running out of ideas. God save Kenya!

baatin. said...

god. it is so hard to see these images. my brain refuses to process that this is kenya. august, if you have people there, please try to get in touch with them. safaricom repotedly still has cellphones up, and you can send people money that way for groceries and stuff. there's another odm match planned for friday at uhuru parl in nairobi. i literally cannot fathom how quickly this happened in kenya. btw, i had tried to post earlier today and blogger wouldn't accept it. for a sliver of a moment, i had my drawers in a very uncomfortable bunch. paranoia!